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Code of Conduct

Christiania Shipping’s Code of Conduct explains our ethical standard and how we want to conduct our business, and enhances a corporate culture which values honesty, loyalty, integrity and transparency throughout all levels of the organisation. 

The guidelines are adopted by the Board, and applies to all employees ashore and at sea, members of the Management, the Board, its subsidiaries and any controlled companies.

Code of Conduct Guidelines

Christiania Shipping


Contact Us

Christiania Shipping A/S
Amerika Plads 38
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Phone: +45 7872 3200

Christiania Shipping France s.a.r.l.
77, Avenue des Frères Roustan
Commerce no 5

06220 Golfe-Juan
Phone: +33 497218520

SunChris Ship Management Pte. Ltd.
601/A, Supreme Chambers
Veera Desai Road
Andheri (West), Mumbai 400053
Phone: +91 22 6704 1000